Prop Builder

(Left/Below) Rapunzel's Suitor: This head piece was created and designed by me in collaboration with the Wigs and Makeup practicum (Micaela Burke) at the Banff Centre. I used Worbla Thermoplastic to form the rose buds, thorns, and branches. I then painted the piece and added green floral wire to add delicacy and detail.

(Below/Right) Unicorn Head: This is an in-process piece made for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at Albert Theatre Projects. I contact cemented pieces of closed celled foam to a hard hat, and later filled the empty space with expanding foam. The next day I began to carve to create a horse-like head, a starting point for this soon-to-be unicorn. 

Upholstery completed in assistance with Kim Nash, Charlie Stuart-Grumbar, and Kyoung Kim. Royal Avocado velvet with hand-made double welting.

(Left: Before, Right/Below: After)

(Above Left) Canapés: Shells created with air drying foam-clay and later painted, dry-wall filler shaped to simulate goat cheese, and stock leaves cut to the shape of a bay leaf.

(Right) Dessert Squares: I made these by cutting closed-cell foam into small cubes and dipping them in Foam Coat to simulate icing. Once that had dried I used a hot glue gun to create the detailed flower shapes and pearls. Finally, I used acrylic paints to colour the cakes.

(Above) Honey Dipper: I created this design as a went, as I was experimenting with lathe work for the first time. I ended up making 5-6 honey dippers, all in various shapes and sizes.

Whimsical Spoon: I drew out the shape I wanted for the spoon on a piece of pine, creating a rough cut of this on the bandsaw (above). I then carved and sanded it by hand to create the final product before finally oiling the surface to seal together my work (right).

(Below) Casket, "No One's Safe": I assisted Steve Benson in building this piece, using various materials such as plywood, and crown-molding, we both had a lot of trouble shooting and problem solving to work through on this project. I later painted, glazed, and upholstered the interior myself. 

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